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welcome ^_^. I'm currently going through a huge cleanout so you'll have to forgive the messyness of my site XD.

I need to update again X_x. I've been leaving my poor camera collecting dust *sob*. I need to take new pictures!

Just a collage of random pictures of my friends and I.

Hi XD. Well I'm going through my entire site and detleting the old pictures so I can make way for all the new ones I've taken O_O and there are alot. So once I sort through all the pictures and figure out which to put up I'll definatly keep up with new updates.
Metrocon pictures:
Thats the link to the pictures, enjoy!


Site Enhancements

Enhancements? All this site will get... is an occasional update... haha. XP

Getting Rich Quick From My Site!

Oh yeah... how could people get rich off a site about my friends...? unless of course *Sells Ysa on the black market* *insert evil laugh here*

*Points to me and Heather* <3